Making a Biothane Muzzle (5 Parts)
Learn how to make a biothane muzzle, how you can reinforce one or just check out other examples of DIY Biothane muzzles.
Reinforcing Biothane (1)
We have had a member that has reinforced their biothane muzzle to help with strength. While we wouldn't recommend trusting it on significant dogs/ determined bite risks, it is always an option for extra precaution. “The metal bars are actually bendable bracelets I got off Amazon; they take some effort and thumbs to bend. And I used a consumption safe once cured silicone adhesive. I plan to add some on the sides as well for extra security.” This biothane muzzle was made by TDYM; it came custom with the treat hole.
Pics and info by Tatyonna Jordan
Some examples of DIY biothane, you can use cardboard to demo and test the size you are making then make based on that.
Making A Biothane Muzzle (2)
Materials needed:
biothane, 9mm (or 3/8"), 13mm (or 1/2") (these are the ones I've found to work best but may vary depending on your dog's size)
Chicago screws (3/16", the number will depend on how many straps you want/need but expect to need a fair amount)
leather or hollow punch (hollow punch is more straightforward, and you'll need to use less force, usually makes cleaner holes)
lighter (to clean up and seal the biothane edges whenever you cut or make a hole)
sharp scissors
tape measure
padding (neoprene, air mesh, felt etc.) - don't necessarily need to pad the biothane but might as well
You can skip this part, but you should make a paper or cardboard model first if you're unsure. It'll give you more room for error, and once you figure out the exact length and strap placements, you can get straight to it with the biothane.
Credit- Aylin Da
There are several different designs, but the one I used for this has a single strap that goes both around the back of the neck and over the nose, which creates an X under the jaw/near the neck. This adds extra stability and security.
I used a 13mm (or 1/2") biothane for this.
The next strap you'll attach will go from one side of the head, around the front of your dog's nose, to the other side. It should not be touching the dog's nose but should not be too far away. The exact distance is up to you. You can cut the strap to the same length you need and only make one hole on each side or make it adjustable by leaving the strap longer and making several holes. I used a 13mm (or 1/2") biothane for this.
The following straps will be attached on each side of the X under the jaw and go to the front under the nose (see step 5 if you don't want/need a nose free design). Make sure they're long enough to accommodate a full pant. I left them a bit longer than necessary at first, but this can easily be fixed later. You can always take off some more length later, but you can't just put it back on. I used a 9mm (or 3/8") biothane for this.
Attach the vertical straps that go over the dog's nose. You can do it with one long strap that goes around in its entirety like a spiral, or you can use several shorter straps that go around once each. I used a 9mm (or 3/8") biothane for this.
Attach the top straps. I made mine "nose free", as shown in the example where the straps don't go entirely straight, or you can attach them straight but cut them short enough so they go from the strap in front of the eyes to the strap closest to the nose (on top).
If you don't want/need nose free, you can just have the straps from step 3 go all the way to the top.
I used 9mm (or 3/8") biothane for this.
Attach the horizontal straps that go around the front of the dog's nose
I used 9mm (or 3/8") biothane for this.
How many straps you need in steps 4 and 6 depends on your dog's measurements and how closed off you want the muzzle to be.
Add padding - either all straps that are lying on the dog's nose or just the one in front of the eyes.
Add head strap - using one piece of biothane screwed from between the eyes to the strap behind ears. Looped around neck strap or screwed onto it.
More Biothane Muzzle Examples (3)
FIRST MUZZLE (First 4 pics)
We have had a member that has cleverly made a mock-up muzzle using cardboard/paper and tape. This is an excellent idea in ensuring that the muzzle you make will fit well without constantly checking on your dog's face.
Made very similar to the method above.
Credit to Karli Mae Leap
SECOND MUZZLE (next 2 pics)
This member has worked on a biothane muzzle for a French Bulldog. You can see how this muzzle is different to normal ones made for this breed as it allows for a pant and is not tight over their snout/mouth.
Credit to Tracey Mammen
THIRD MUZZLE (Last 4 pics)
We have had a member that made a colourful biothane muzzle that looks great on their dog. They used adjustable nylon for the strap to secure it.
Made very similar to the methods above.
Credit to Sandra Selak