JVM Wire Muzzles
A new brand of wire muzzle has been made available to you by MTT. Available in the EU and worldwide using package forwarding these muzzles are very similar to CHOPO but not the exact same. We think they are better than CHOPO with many more sizes fitting dogs better.
Manufacturer: JVM
Location: Europe
Ships: EU only unless from MTT (Worldwide)
Options: 100+ sizes
Sellers: 10+
Scavenge Proof: Partially can be covered
Bite proof: Yes

Common names/companies:
MTT Store 'JVM'
Most EU Stores 'JVM'
Other Names 'Manak'
When I started adding JVM info to our website I noticed that most suppliers listed it by breed and they had no consistent sizes/charts or measurements. I spent a lot of time working out the correct numbers/options based on many websites and was finally able to list all sizes because MTT feels that listing sizes by breed is inaccurate and affects the chance of getting a well fit muzzle and sizing correctly. Below The chart shows the corresponding breeds/numbers, this is mainly for our European members needing to find the sizes on EU stores.
Pros & Cons
What is good or bad about these muzzles will depend on the dog, owner and also size. This list below is generalised.
Bite proof
Large range of sizes
For small to xl large dogs
Lightweight (considering), normal wire is a smidge lighter.
Regular wire and rubberised option (for heat/cold)
Slightly lighter weight than CHOPO
Nose padding
Can be modified (noseband/straps etc.)
Good for long tongues
Well ventilated
Can drink, take treats and pant when correctly fit.
Not great for some muzzle punchers
Sleeping in it is more challenging (sometimes)
One strap (can add your own)
Not as great for determined scavengers (needs easy mods)
Companies that sell them size wrong and have incomplete measurements.
MTT Info Charts
Muzzle Training and Tips are the only ones who have a full and accurate size, measurement and weight chart for these muzzles. Most companies use a wildly inaccurate or incomplete chart, which is unfair to customers who should know exactly what they are purchasing.
Make & Material
JVM may look very similar to CHOPO, but they are entirely different manufacturers/makers. The muzzles shown in the picture are both JVM sizes and show off each option.
You can see these muzzles' nosebands are primarily under the wire compared to CHOPO which has the extra 'square' to move the noseband back. They are slightly lighter than CHOPO muzzles and are easier to bend. The straps and noseband are both thicker nylon material. The noseband does have padding on it too. The rubberised coating is for the weather (extreme heat/snow), corrosion, protection, etc. It makes it slightly heavier than the standard wire model.
Where/How To Purchase
Options are extensive and I highly recommend using google translate and our charts HERE which explain the sizes/numbers.
Chicundscharf is an excellent option for Germany and other EU countries (check with C&S first).
Low cost and fast shipping. They have almost all CHOPO/JVM muzzles available.
Great option for Czech/EU but you will need a friend or find a forwarding place like Tiptrans