Other Wire Muzzles
Manufacturer: NKD
Names: NKD, Naked
Location: Europe
Ships: Europe unless through MTT
Options: 15+ sizes
Sellers: 2
Scavenge Proof: Partially, would need to cover the front for some dogs
Bite proof: Yes

Manufacturer: Bainbridge
Location: Australia
Ships: AU unless through MTT
Options: 5 sizes
Sellers: 5+
Scavenge Proof: Partially, would need to cover the front for some dogs
Bite proof: Partially, ok for smaller less determined dogs

Pros & Cons
Manufacturer: Chlad
Names: IDEAL
Location: Europe
Ships: Europe unless through MTT
Options: 50+ sizes
Sellers: 2
Scavenge Proof: Partially, would need to cover the front for some dogs
Bite proof: Partially, ok for smaller less determined dogs

Manufacturer: Unknown
Location: Worldwide
Ships: Worldwide
Options: 4 sizes
Sellers: 20+
Scavenge Proof: Partially, would need to cover the front for some dogs
Bite proof: Partially, ok for smaller less determined dogs

What is good or bad about these muzzles will depend on the dog, owner and also size. This list below is generalised.
Bite proof
Large range of sizes
For small to xl large dogs
Lightweight (considering), normal wire is a smidge lighter.
Nose padding
Can be modified (noseband/straps etc.)
Good for long tongues
Well ventilated
Can drink, take treats and pant when correctly fit.
Not great for some muzzle punchers
Noseband may need replacing
One strap (can add your own)
Not as great for determined scavengers (needs easy mods)
No rubberised version
Bite proof for smaller dogs
Large range of sizes
For small to xl large dogs
Lightweight (considering), normal wire is a smidge lighter.
Nose padding
Can be modified (noseband/straps etc.)
Well ventilated
Can drink, take treats and pant when correctly fit.
Not great for some muzzle punchers
Lighter made, determined dogs could break/bend
Sleeping in it is more challenging (sometimes)
One strap (can add your own)
Not as great for determined scavengers (needs easy mods)
No rubberised version
Very expensive
Bite proof for smaller dogs
A range of sizes
For small to medium dogs
Lightweight (considering)
Nose padding
Can be modified (noseband/straps etc.)
Well ventilated
Can drink, take treats and pant when correctly fit.
Not great for some muzzle punchers
Lighter made, determined dogs could break/bend
Sleeping in it is more challenging (sometimes)
Not as great for determined scavengers (needs easy mods)
Companies that sell them size wrong and have incomplete measurements.
No rubberised version
Bite proof for smaller dogs
A range of sizes
For small to medium dogs
Can be modified (noseband/straps etc.)
Well ventilated
Can drink, take treats and pant when correctly fit.
Not great for some muzzle punchers
Lighter made, determined dogs could break/bend
Sleeping in it is more challenging (sometimes)
Large/bulky noseband
Cheaper straps
Weird shape/tall back height
Not as great for determined scavengers (needs easy mods)
Companies that sell them size wrong and have incomplete measurements.
No rubberised version
MTT Info Charts
Muzzle Training and Tips are the only ones who have a full and accurate size, measurement and weight chart for these muzzles. Most companies use a wildly inaccurate or incomplete chart, which is unfair to customers who should know exactly what they are purchasing.
Where/How To Purchase
Coming soon