RayAllen Vinyl & Plastic
Manufacturer: Ray Allen
Location: USA
Ships: Worldwide
Options: 3 sizes, clear and black
Sellers: 3+
Scavenge Proof: Yes
Bite proof: yes unless clear with treat hole
Pros & Cons
What is good or bad about these muzzles will depend on the dog, owner and also size. This list below is generalised.
Multiple places to purchase
Bite/Scavenge proof (excluding clears with the treat hole)
Felt nosebands
Clear Vinyl and black plastic
3 Strap Options
Treat hole option
Longer nose lengths
More costly
Smaller/limited sizes
MTT Info Charts
Muzzle Training and Tips are the only ones who have a full and accurate size, measurement and weight chart for these muzzles. Most companies use a wildly inaccurate or incomplete chart, which is unfair to customers who should know exactly what they are purchasing.
No measurement charts yet
Dog Muzzle Charts (none yet)
Make & Material
The muzzle is made of Clear vinyl or Black polyethylene plastic with reinforced neoprene or leather straps. The clear is flexible vinyl, and available in all sizes/brands mentioned, comes as shown with a single strap configuration or with a "third strap" that extends from the bridge of the dog's nose up between the eyes to connect with the strap behind the ears. Available as shown or with a large "treat hole" in front for most sizes.
The black muzzle is made of lightweight, high-density polyethylene and available from ray Allen; it comes as shown with a single strap configuration or with a "third strap" that extends from the bridge of the dog's nose up between the eyes to connect with the strap behind the ears. Available as shown or with a large "treat hole" in front for most sizes.
All sizes have a felt noseband, and you can easily add quick-release buckles to these straps and modify, decorate etc.

Where/How To Purchase
To tell RAY ALLEN and REDLINE clears apart, the RAY ALLEN has white felt where as the REDLINE has black, with full black straps (unlike JAFCO).