Wire Noseband Mods
(3 Parts)
This section is for modifying the nosebands that come with most wire muzzles. It is done mainly for function, rather than looks, but if you are looking to change the noseband you can find this information in the Noseband Modifications tab.
Trimming The Noseband To Shorten Length (1)
The first method is definitely used the most since it is super easy to do and usually helps a lot. You will need a sharp box cutter or even sharper scissors. You have the option of removing the outside rivet closest to the eye.
Can I cut over the stitching?
Yeah! It only holds the felt on and if you only cut one side it is fine, you can glue the felt up to the leather once cut.
Scissors or box cutter, pen to draw a line, measuring tape, glue (optional), fit checked muzzle.
How to do it?
Usually, you can judge by eye how much to trim off, but we suggest measuring You want the muzzle to sit just off the nose and away from the eyes. You also don’t want it too short.
Measure and draw a straight line where you need to cut.
Next, start cutting (box cutters preferred). You can do bit by bit (keep checking it on dog) until you get to your line, but this does make it harder to keep it neat. One single line where you measured should help keep it much neater. But this is up to you.
You can decide whether or not to remove the rivet closest to the eye. This will keep the noseband stable, and most dogs do fine with keeping it on, but some will need it removed. If that’s the case, you may need to tie/tape the noseband to the wire; otherwise, it will move around.
Once happy with the fit, you can lightly burn the edges to ‘seal’ it all. You can also glue the felt up to the leather if you wish, though no one has had the problem of the felt coming off after cutting the stitching.
If you cut down to the wire, you may need to wrap it in some padding like vet wrap etc. (see noseband mods)
You can also remove the outsize rivets if they are too close to the eyes but you will need to wrap the noseband to keep it stable under the muzzle and on the nose.
This is pretty much it. Once you have cut it down, it should fit much better. If you haven’t cut all the way or only the felt, you can try on the dog and reassess fit; if more length needs to go, repeat the steps above.
Info on pictures too
Flipping The Noseband To Shorten Length (2)
The second option for modifying length is flipping the noseband, this only works with the shorter nosebands. This option is quite simple, but you will need to purchase the rivets to replace and wait for them, which is why most people opt to cut the noseband.
Why flip it?
Members slip it because it is already narrow they don't want to lose anymore noseband width by trimming so instead they flip it.
Can I flip a large noseband?
While you are able to flip one it will not work and only make the noseband stick out more due to the shape. Trimming or moving down is a better choice for these types of noseband.
Screw driver or tin snips (to remove rivets), chicago screws or rivets.
How to do it?
Remove all four rivets.
Flip the noseband around and move down so the straight side is flush against the wire and the curved side faces the nose.
Replace rivets/Chicago screws
You may need to wrap the wire in padding/vet wrap to protect their eyes if it sits close; see noseband mods.
Removing the Rivets?
Removal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCsn4Ie3zg0
Installation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0VJgjHJN1c
We recommend using chicago screws in you can as they are easy to put back in and much more likely to stay together.
Moving The Noseband Down To Shorten Length (3)
Moving the noseband down is another option for some people. If you have a wider noseband, moving it down will likely put it over your dog's nose, which we don’t recommend. It will work for narrower nosebands or dogs with longer snouts.
Should I do this method?
Sometimes moving down the noseband will make it too short for your dog. Checking fit with admins first will save you the trouble if it makes it too short.
The noseband will touch my dogs nose?
If this is the case you'll need to look at cutting the noseband instead. Most dogs' have no issues with the noseband touching their nose but some will.
Will the chin be an issue?
If the chin of the muzzle is already touching your dogs neck before modifying the muzzles length you may have issues after modifying of not being able to move the muzzle back further towards the eyes and it'll sit at the end of the nose. Again why we recommend a fit check .
Screw driver or tin snips (to remove the rivets), chicago screws or rivets.
How to do it?
Remove all four rivets.
Move down the noseband, so it's flush against the wire closest to the eyes.
Replace rivets/Chicago screws
You may need to wrap the wire in padding/vet wrap to protect their eyes if it sits close; see noseband mods.
Removing rivets?
Removal - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCsn4Ie3zg0
Installation - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0VJgjHJN1c