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B+F Leather Size Info


B+F: RM3

You will most likely be on this page after a recommendation from MTT, you can find lots of information on this page and it is important you read over before purchasing your muzzle. It explains the size, how it could fit, shows dog charts, comparison charts, where to purchase and more. Be sure to scroll to the bottom.

B+F: RM3

Size/Name Information

B+F Leather is a new brand and muzzle type we are trying out. It is a leather muzzle but not as high quality as some may expect/want. It still seems strong enough to compare it to JAFCO vinyl leather and in fact I have tested both and the leather seems stronger in the front. It is lightweight and has nose padding to help with any rubbing.

More information on them HERE.

How It Could Fit

Length: This size works best with noses between 3” and 4”. Depending on your dog's  length, you may need to modify your muzzles noseband. A smaller/bigger measurement will also  work in some situations.

Width: This size usually works best with widths between 2.5” and 3.5”. This measurement is a bit  more relaxed but wider is better than narrower. Most muzzles will need some amount of squishing  over the nose, which is why width is more relaxed.

Muzzle Height: The RM3 has a front height of 6”. We always size to a full pant or height accurate  to a full pant. If measured correctly, this should fit well. Depending on use, sometimes it can be  slightly over the measurement where full pant isn’t needed. It’s also fine to be slightly under the  height too.

Other measurements: If your dog is on the shorter end of length, the chin length may end up  being long, which usually needs different modifications. The only way to tell if this will be an ‘issue’  is to try the muzzle out, most of the time it still works good.

• If your dog is in between sizes we will likely give you two or more options. Please see the other  links (if there’s any) for information on size.

Dog Charts



  • RM3 vs 16F/65C: Here 


  • RM3 vs JAFCO 5 : Here 


  • RM3 vs BASKERVILLE 6: Here 



  • RM3 vs JVM 289: Here

Where & How To Purchase

MTT Muzzles - (WORLDWIDE): Option 1/2

EXC. Europe since it is easier to buy from there than through me. The UK is not included in 'Europe' for shipping. 

Remember your coupons.


EUROPE Stores: Option 2/2

Options are extensive and we only recommend buying from them and not MTT if you live in Europe.

Links coming soon, or just search for them on google.

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